Poetry Contest Guidelines:

Catamaran Poetry Prize for West Coast Poets
Complete Guidelines

The 2025 Catamaran Poetry Prize is open for submissions

Deadline: June 15th, 2025

This year’s judge is poet Mary Szybist


The Catamaran Poetry Prize encourages the submission of previously unpublished poetry manuscripts across a range of styles, themes, and forms. This contest is for a book length collection of poetry only. Manuscripts of fiction, creative nonfiction, translations, or screenplays are ineligible. The prize is only open to West Coast poets living in California, Washington, Oregon, Alaska, and Hawaii. All submissions should be written in English.

A prize of $1,000 and publication in book form will be awarded to the poetry collection selected by the judge.

All poets who have entered their manuscript in the contest will receive a complimentary, one-year subscription to our literary journal Catamaran.

Submissions must be received between Feb. 15, 2025 and June 15, 2025 in order to be considered for publication. No late submissions will be accepted.

Manuscripts must be typed, paginated, and between 60-100 pages in length. Poems in the collection must be the original work of the author and previously unpublished in a book length collection. Poems can be published previously in print magazines or online journals. Publication acknowledgments should be included for previously published work. Please ensure all included quotations are clearly attributed to the author.

Simultaneous submissions and multiple submissions are acceptable. Please send us an email at editor@catamaranliteraryreader.com and let us know immediately if your manuscript is accepted elsewhere.

The judge, poet Mary Szybist, will select the winner, as well as four finalists, and three semifinalists. Submissions will be read blind, so please remove your name from the title page and content of the manuscript itself.

Revisions are not allowed to the manuscript after it has been submitted to the contest. However, the winning poet will have time to revise the collection before publication. Catamaran reserves the right to get approval from the judge if revisions are significant.

If our staff encounters any difficulties in processing your submission we will contact you to obtain a correction. Minor errors in your submission (spelling, formatting, typographic errors) do not affect your chance of winning.

The winner will be announced on the Catamaran website in August, 2025, and we expect to publish the winning collection in December 2025. We will also announce the names of finalists, and semifinalists by Aug 1st. We will send a Submittable notification of the manuscripts selected as winner and finalists in August, 2025.

Reminder: this is a BLIND submission. Please remove your name from all pages of the manuscript, including from the title page. Manuscripts with identifying information will be "opened for editing" and not entered into the contest until the poet removes identifying information from all pages. Do not include names of people you would like to thank and acknowledge in your submission. These types of acknowledgements can be included and published with the winning manuscript.

Catamaran will host a book launch event and reading in December. 2025. The book will also be entered for publication awards.

About Mary Szybist: 

The judge for our 2025 Catamaran poetry prize is Mary Szybist. Mary Szybist is most recently the author of Incarnadine, winner of the 2013 National Book Award for Poetry. 

She the recipient of fellowships from the Guggenheim Foundation, the National Endowment for the Arts, the Rona Jaffe Foundation, the Witter Bynner Foundation in conjunction with the Library of Congress, and the Rockefeller Foundation's Bellagio Center. Her work has appeared in such publications as Best American Poetry, The Kenyon Review, Poetry, Ploughshares, and two Pushcart Prize anthologies.  Her first book Granted won the 2004 GLCA New Writers Award and was a finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award.  She lives in Portland, Oregon where she teaches at Lewis & Clark College.