Online Features 

Cover Artist: Andrea Johnson

Andrea Johnson’s work is primarily exhibited in California and Massachusetts and is part of the collections at the Crocker Art Museum and the Monterey Museum of Art. She is represented by the Winfield Gallery in Carmel, California
Artist Statement: "Andrea Johnson keeps her observant eye closely attuned to the world of living things. The plant and animal kingdoms are her domain, their abundant variations on form, pattern, and color the substance and stimulus that motivates her art."

Preview a selection of content from each genre of our Issue 47 - The Garden Issue. To read the work online, click on the title of the piece in the listing below.

Interview: Jessica Lee, daughter of Paul Lee

There is a Garden in the mind. An interview with Jessica Lee about her father paul Lee

Jessica Lee earned her BA from St. John’s College, a philosophy college in Santa Fe, New Mexico. She holds a second BA in fine art, having attended the University of California,Santa Cruz, ArtCenter College of Design, Cabrillo College, and San José City College. She is a ceramic sculptress, inspired by Greek and Egyptian art and the vitalist beauty of the natural world.

Fiction: Patrick Murphy


Patrick J. Murphy’s stories have appeared, among other places, in Fiction, New Orleans Review, Soundings East, Sou’wester, The Greensboro Review, descant, Kiosk, The GW Review, Cream City Review, Confrontation, West Branch, Southeast Review, Nexus, Other Voices, Sycamore Review, Notre Dame Review, Gamut, Ascent, North American Review, New England Review, and Tampa Review. A collection of his entitled Way Below E was published by White Pine Press in 1995 to good reviews. He has a recent story again in descant, where he’s won the Gary Wilson Award.

Nonfiction: Christie Cochrell

gardens of longing

Christie Cochrell loves the play of light, the journeyings of time, things ephemeral and ancient. She’s worked with ship cargoes, rare books, and British archaeologists, traveled extensively since her childhood in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and woolgathered compulsively along the way. She’s settled on the Northern California coast in Santa Cruz, the unceded ancestral homeland of the Awaswas-speaking Uypi Tribe, and is immensely grateful for the sensory riches and cherished words she’s stashed away over the years to share in her writing.

Poetry: Tina Kelley

a fine reason for a garden

Tina Kelley’s Rise Wildly appeared in 2020 from CavanKerry Press, joining Abloom & Awry (CavanKerry Press, 2017), Precise (Word Press, 2013), and The Gospel of Galore (Word Press, 2002), a Washington State Book Award winner. She reported for The New York Times and wrote two nonfiction books. Her poems have appeared in Cimarron Review, Southwest Review, Prairie Schooner, and The Best American Poetry 2009, among other publications. She received a 2023 Poetry Finalist award from the New Jersey State Council on the Arts.

Translation: Mauricio Montiel Figueiras
translated from the Spanish by Alice Whitmore

in the garden

Mauricio Montiel Figueiras (1968–) is a Mexican writer of prose fiction and essays, as well as a poet, translator, editor, and film and literary critic. He is the author of fifteen books in different genres. His work has been published in magazines and newspapers in Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Italy, Peru, Spain, the United Kingdom, and the United States. He has been resident writer for the Cheltenham Literature Festival in England (2003) and the Bellagio Center in Italy (2008). In 2012 he was appointed resident writer for the prestigious Hawthornden Literary Retreat for Creative Writers in Scotland. In 2020 he was selected artist in residence for the Saari Residence in Finland. His novella Crowd is part of the collective volume Proper Imposters (Panhandler Books, 2025).

Alice Whitmore is the award-winning translator of Guillermo Fadanelli’s See You at Breakfast? (Giramondo, 2016) and Mariana Dimópulos’s All My Goodbyes (Giramondo, 2017) and Imminence (Giramondo, 2019). She is the translations editor at Cordite Poetry Review and an associate editor at Giramondo.

Issue 47-The Garden Issue, 2025

Cover & Table of Contents